The H.D. International Society will sponsor one session at the 2022 annual conference of the American Literature Association, May 26-29, 2022, at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, IL. At present, this conference is planned as a fully face-to-face event with no virtual presentations. Any updates or changes to those plans will be posted on the ALA Web site and shared with selected panelists as soon as possible.
The range of new work in H.D. studies has included new approaches to H.D.’s response to war, to the environment, to gender and sexuality, to film, to life writing, to avant-garde experimentation, to the archives–not to mention the impact of Susan McCabe’s new H.D./Bryher biography. We look forward to sharing your fresh insights at the ALA conference.
Please send proposals (up to 250 words), along with a brief biography or curriculum vitae, to Celena Kusch, co-chair of the H.D. International Society) at kuschc@uscupstate.edu. Please send submissions no later than January 23, 2022.