H.D.: Collected Poems, 1912-1944. Ed. Louis L. Martz. New York: New Directions, 1983. Includes Sea Garden (1916), The God (1913-1917), Translations (1915-1920), Hymen (1921), Heliodora and Other Poems (1924), Red Roses for Bronze (1931), uncollected and unpublished Poems, and Trilogy.
Trilogy. Ed. Aliki Barnstone. New York: New Directions, 1998. With annotations by Barnstone. Contains The Walls Do Not Fall, Tribute to the Angels, and The Flowering of the Rod.
Asphodel. Ed. Robert Spoo. Durham and London: Duke UP, 1992.
Bid Me to Live. Ed. Caroline Zilboorg. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 2011.
By Avon River. Ed. Lara Vetter. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 2014.
Close-Up 1927-1933: Cinema and Modernism. Ed. Anne Friedberg, James Donald, and Laura Marcus. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1998). Contains several contributions by H.D. to this key early film journal.
“Ear-Ring.” In Women, Men, and the Great War, ed. Trudi Tate (Manchester UP, St. Martin’s Press, 1995).
The Egoist: An Individual Review. H.D. co-edited this magazine from 1916-1917 (issues 3.6-4.5). When she was unable to continue this work, her successor was T. S. Eliot.
The Gift by H.D., the Complete Text. Ed. Jane Augustine. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 1998. (See Charlotte Mandel’s review in English Literature in Transition 1880-1920).
H.D. by Delia Alton. The Iowa Review 16.3 (1986): 180-221. Adelaide Morris also published a critical introduction to H.D.’s text (“H.D.’s ‘H.D. by Delia Alton’“) in the same issue of The Iowa Review.
The Hedgehog. New York: New Directions, 1988. A children’s book, first issued as a privately printed edition of 300 copies in 1936. Introduction by Perdita Schaffner and woodcuts by George Plank.
Hirslanden Notebooks.Ed. Matte Robinson and Demetres Tryphonpoulos. Victoria, BC: ELS Editions, 2014.
Kora and Ka, and Mira Mare. Ed. Robert Spoo. New York: New Directions (Bibelot Series, NDP818), 1996. The text is a photo-reproduction of the 1934 printing by Maurice Darantiere of Dijon, and contains a “Note on the Text” section listing substantive changes H.D. would like to have seen in the text.
Magic Mirror, Compassionate Friendship, and Thorn Thicket. Ed. and Intro. Nephie J. Christodoulides. Pref. Demetres Tryphonopoulos and Matte Robinson. Victoria, BC: ELS Editions, 2012. NOTE: Magic Mirror written as Delia Alton. See review by Sara Dunton at Antigonish Review.
Majic Ring. (By Delia Alton) Ed. Demetres P. Tryphonpoulos. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 2009.
The Mystery. Ed. Jane Augustine. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 2009.
Narthex and other stories. Ed. Michael Boughn. Toronto: BookThug, 2011. ISBN #9781897388969. A preview of the text is available through BookThug.ca. For a creative review of the collection, see Dana Drori’s 2013 post at Lemon Hound.
Nights. New York: New Directions, 1986. (published under the pseudonym John Helforth) Previously published in a private edition of 100 copies by Imprimerie Darantiere, Dijon, France.
Borderline (1930) on DVD in the set Paul Robeson: Portraits of an Artist, a four disc boxed set put out by Criterion. See The Paris Review for an online version of the film.
You may view Borderline as well as fragments of Wing Beat, Foothills, and “Macpherson material,” at the Film Study Center of the Museum of Modern Art.
Monkey’s Moon (1929) is available online through the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
Richard Aldington and H.D.: The Early Years in Letters. Ed. Caroline Zilboorg. Indiana UP, 1992.
Richard Aldington and H.D.: The Later Years in Letters. Ed. Caroline Zilboorg. Manchester, UK, and New York, Manchester Univ. Press; New York: St. Martin’s, 1995. Reviewed in TLS (Times Literary Supplement), Oct. 27, 1995, p.36.
“Oread,” “Lethe,” and “Helen,” in Finnish, trans. Pertti Nieminen. In Kuu Kultainen Terälehti [Moon Golden Petal]. Otava Publishing, 2008 (ISBN 978-951123007-6). For further information see the Otava website.
Hymen (London: The Egoist Press, 1921) is available at A Celebration of Women Writers. The US edition of Hymen (New York: Henry Holt, 1921) is available at Project Gutenberg.
A full page scan of Sea Garden (London: Constable and Company, Ltd., 1916) is available from Hathi Trust’s Digital Library. Text versions are available at Project Gutenberg and the American Verse Project.
Tribute to Freud(New York: Pantheon, 1956) is available in full page scans through Hathi Trust.
“People of Sparta” published in The Bookman Dec. 1924 with illustrations by Rockwell Kent is available at UNZ.org
Two children’s stories, “Old Tommy” and “Winter Woods,” by H.D. as Edith Gray and edited by Michael Boughn, are available on imagists.org.
Two reviews, “I Sing Democracy” and “Vincent Van Gogh,” by H.D. as Sylvania Penn and edited by Michael Boughn, are available on imagists.org.
The Egoist: An Individual Review at The Modernist Journals Project includes poems in vols. 1.3, 2.5, 2.11, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.6, 3.9, 3.11, 3.12, 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.6. Discussions and reviews of her poetry appears in vols. 1.11, 1.18. 2.5, 2.6, 2.11, 4.8, 4.10, 5.4, 6.4 (in correspondence). Essays by H.D. in vols. 3.8 (“Marianne Moore”), 3.9 (rev. The Farmer’s Bride), 3.12 (rev. Goblins and Pagodas). Advertisements featuring H.D. appears in vols. 2.4, 2.7-4.5, 4.7,4.9, 4.11, 5.3. 5.4, 6.5.
The page on H.D. at the Academy of American Poets links to excerpts from Helen in Egypt, “Heat,” “Helen,” “Moonrise,” “Orchard,” “Oread,” “Pear Tree,” “Prayer,” “Sea Rose,” “Sitalkas,” “Song,” “Stars Wheel in Purple,” and “The Helmsman.”
The Richard Aldington website contains images of typescripts prepared by H.D., and sent to Aldington, from Helen in Egypt, “Pallinode,” Book Seven, part 1 and “Pallinode,” Book Eight, part 1, accompanied by Catherine Aldington Guillaume’s essay, “Poet on the Couch : H.D. with Freud.”
The entire text of Des Imagistes (1914) edited by Ezra Pound is available at the Internet Archive and includes the poems: “Sitalkas,” “Hermes of the Ways,” “Priapus,” “Acon,” “Hermonax,” and “Epigram.”
Some Imagist Poets: an Anthology (Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin, The Riverside Press Cambridge, 1915) is available through Project Gutenberg. It contains H.D.’s poems: “The Pool,” “The Garden,” “Sea Lily,” “Sea Iris,” “Sea Rose,” “Oread,” and “Orion Dead.” At Google Books, you can view and download the 1916 and 1917 editions.
The website The Pink Moth has the following H.D. poems: “Eurydice,” “Sea Rose,” “Pear Tree,” “Leda,” “Heat,” “Helen,” “Let Zeus,” “Fragment 68,” “Mysteries Remaine,” “Sea Poppies,” “Garden,” “Sheltered Garden.”
May I print the second part of the first stanza from “Adonis” as a dedication page in my forthcoming novel, THEY BELIEVED THEY WERE SAFE, due to be published by Vine Leaves Press in Nov. 2022?
Many thanks for your advice,
Cordelia Biddle
May I print the second part of the first stanza from “Adonis” as a dedication page in my forthcoming novel, THEY BELIEVED THEY WERE SAFE, due to be published by Vine Leaves Press in Nov. 2022?
Many thanks for your advice,
Cordelia Biddle