The H.D. International Society will sponsor one session at the 2025 annual conference of the American Literature Association, May 21-24, 2025, at the Westin Copley Place in Boston, MA. In the past year, H.D. scholars gathered in Greece for the Emerging Perspectives in H.D.’s Hellenic Modernity…
Category: CFP
International Symposium (hybrid) co-organized by Aristotle University, Thessaloniki (Greece), Athens College (Greece), & University of Alberta (Canada) Date: 25-26 May, 2024 Venue: Amphitheater I – Research Dissemination Centre AUTH The writings, travels, and all forms of pilgrimage or periegetic homage of early twentieth century Modernist…
The H.D. International Society will sponsor one session at the 2023 annual conference of the American Literature Association, May 25-28, 2023, at the Westin Copley Place in Boston, MA. In the past year, both Winged Words by Donna Hollenberg and H.D. and Bryher: An Untold Love…
American Literature Association Conference Web Page The H.D. International Society will sponsor one session at the 2020 annual conference of the American Literature Association, May 21-24, 2020, at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego, CA. The range of new work in H.D. studies has included…
The H.D. International Society will sponsor one session at the 2019 annual conference of the American Literature Association, May 23-26, 2019, at Westin Copley Place in Boston. We have had excellent panels at ALA lately, and we hope you can join us. The American Literature Association’s…
“Passages”: The Robert Duncan Centennial Conference at the Sorbonne Université, Paris, June 12-14 2019, welcomes papers on the H.D./Duncan connection (The H.D. Book, the correspondence, etc.) among many other possible topics. Anyone who remembers the 2013 H.D. and Modernity Conference in Paris will remember many of these conference…
CFP: Graphic Eroticism in Women’s Modernism This panel seeks to examine graphic eroticism in its myriad modernist forms. From the graphically risque or taboo to the textual representations of non-normative sex and sexuality in poetry and prose, modernist women writers often embedded eroticism within their literary experiments. With H.D., for instance,…
The H.D. International Society will again be sponsoring a panel at the American Literature Association conference, May 24-27, 2018, at the Hyatt Regency in San Francisco, CA. The call for paper proposals is open ended, although projects working with some aspect of H.D.’s later writing…
We invite paper proposals for a panel the H.D. International Society is organizing at the Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture since 1900, February 22-24, 2018. What we have said before about the conference remains true, that it is a very welcoming and invigorating conference that features…
The new journal Feminist Modernist Studies has launched, with many congratulations to Cassandra Laity, founding editor. Please see the call for papers for the first issue, a double issue, through the link, and feel free to circulate widely. The deadline is April 15:–modernist-studies-launch-cfp