Check out this blog post about the material details of a first edition of H.D.’s Palimpsest by a student researcher at the Watkinson Library at Trinity College.
Category: teaching
For a multimedia bibliography of H.D.’s publications, including both dates of composition and publication, see this interactive timeline. This project was compiled by Celena E. Kusch and Kristian Wilson in 2014-2015, with entries based on information in the Silverstein Chronology.
This map shows all of H.D.’s correspondents based on the finding aids in the Beinecke, Bryn Mawr, and several other special collections libraries
James J. Conway’s Strange Flowers blog includes brief profiles of H.D., Bryher, and members of their social and literary circles. This posting also features a brief glimpse of some of those circles in a graphic format. Source: Circles: H.D./Bryher | Strange Flowers
See Tamara Beauchamp’s Web site for English 102D Topics in Twentieth Century Literature: Modernist Subjectivity for examples of teaching H.D.’s Tribute to Freud. Pages: H.D. Reads Aloud | Modernist Subjectivities Lecture Notes: H.D.’s life, relationship to Freud, and Writing on the Wall Lecture Notes 2: Borderline, H.D., and Kenneth Macpherson…
In Sept. 2014, The Paris Review posted a birthday wish to H.D. which includes the full video of Borderline. Thank you, Paris Review!
Hear H.D. read Helen in Egypt while scholars and poets close read selections from the poem in the podcast from Poem Talk #84 “The I as Hieroglyph: H.D., Helen in Egypt” with Julia Bloch, Dee Morris, Annette Debo, and host Al Filreis (27 Jan. 2015). This podcast offers excellent background into…
Nic Sebastian has posted the final results of a year-long voice project to “know” H.D.’s Helen in Egypt by voicing it. The result is a fully indexed and organized audio version of H.D.’s 1961 poem. This audio project is authorized by New Directions Press, and…