Writings about H.D.

Scholarly and Creative Works about H.D. (Hilda Doolittle)

Why H.D.?

See this interview with Susan Stanford Friedman, with Michael Coyle and Jane Pinchin, Colgate University

Advice for Readers New to H.D.

  • For information about H.D.’s life, see our biography page.
  • A good place to start reading about H.D.’s writing is the H.D. section of the Multimedia Companion to the Anthology of Modern American Poetry (Oxford University Press, 2000) by Marsha Bryant.
  • H.D.: Woman and Poet (edited by Michael King, Orono, Maine: National Poetry Foundation, University of Maine at Orono, c1986; ISBN #0-915032-69-4)
  • Signets: Reading H.D. (edited by Susan Stanford Friedman and Rachel Blau DuPlessis, U of Wisconsin P, 1990).
  • To set up a Google Scholar alert for H.D., click here

Critical Bibliographies

  • The Modern American Poetry Web site includes a brief bibliography of criticism by Marsha Bryant.
  • Michael Boughn’s descriptive bibliography, H.D.: A Bibliography, 1905-1990 (Charlottesville, Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, UP of Virginia, 1993; ISBN #0813914124) lists much of the criticism published prior to 1990.
  • This page contains a beginner’s bibliography of criticism: Literaryhistory.com.

Periodicals of Interest

  • H.D.’s Web, an e-newsletter 2007-2011
  • H.D. Newsletter, 1987-1991
  • Sagetrieb (1981-2014; ISSN #0735-4665, published by the National Poetry Foundation at the University of Maine, Orono, Maine).
  • Paideuma, 1971-present, also published by the National poetry Foundation, devoted to the study of H.D., Ezra Pound, William Carlos Williams, and their circle.
  • Iowa Review, H.D. centennial issue. (Information contributed by Lisa Simon.)
  • For a list of other special issues of periodicals, see the introduction to Annette Debo and Lara Vetter’s Approaches to Teaching H.D.’s Poetry and Prose (New York: MLA Press, 2011).

Online Articles and Reviews

Creative Works Inspired by H.D. 

H.D. on Radio and Television

Latest Publications


3 Replies to “Writings about H.D.”

  1. A more recent online collaborative piece on H.D., by Marsha Bryant (English) and Charlie Hailey (Architecture), University of Florida: ‘Hellenic. by Design: H.D., Architecture, and Future Modernism’ (2023):

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