Amy Evans, whose poetry collections are deeply influenced by H.D.’s work, has released a video/audio reading of her recent poetry installation, SOUND((ING))S.
From her YouTube page description: “SOUND((ING))S takes place at sea. It constitutes part of an ongoing poetic sequence, the first sections of which were text-based: Collecting Shells (2011), The Sea Quells (2013) and CONT. (2015). The latter was performed at the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) in London as part of Poetry and Sound on 5 February 2016. This section will be played as a sound-based installation on board a chartered vessel as it crosses the English Channel, sailing between Dover and Calais with provisions for refugees based near the French port.”
Amy Evans’s article about this poetic installation is published in the Performance Research Journal 21.2 On Sea/At Sea at It explicitly mentions the role of H.D.’s Sea Garden in informing Evans’s poetry.