Emerging Perspectives in H.D.’s Hellenic Modernity and the Future of New Modernist Studies Hybrid Conference 25-26 May 2024

International Symposium (hybrid) co-organized by Aristotle University, Thessaloniki (Greece), Athens College (Greece), & University of Alberta (Canada) Date: 25-26 May, 2024 Venue: Amphitheater I – Research Dissemination Centre AUTH The writings, travels, and all forms of pilgrimage or periegetic homage of early twentieth century Modernist…

“Signets Reborn: H.D.’s Serpent-and-Thistle Signet Ring and Louvre Museum Item Number BJ 1212” by Graham Borland identifies the source of H.D.’s Signets imagery

Graham Borland’s Open Access article in Notes and Queries, “Signets Reborn” offers a valuable gloss on the source of H.D.’s serpent and thistle motif that plays an important role in Tribute to Freud. The article highlights signet rings from the catalogs of the Louvre and…