Graham Borland’s Open Access article in Notes and Queries, “Signets Reborn” offers a valuable gloss on the source of H.D.’s serpent and thistle motif that plays an important role in Tribute to Freud. The article highlights signet rings from the catalogs of the Louvre and…
Category: other
The H.D. International Society will sponsor one session at the 2022 annual conference of the American Literature Association, May 26-29, 2022, at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, IL. At present, this conference is planned as a fully face-to-face event with no virtual presentations. Any updates…
Hannah Voss of Durham University and co-editor of Postgraduate English shared her strategies for remembering the 60th anniversary of H.D.’s death on the 27th of September. Using a guerrilla poetry strategy, Voss is making cards and stickers of ‘Oread’ along with a QR code that…
Erwin Tiongson’s Slate article (11 Dec. 2019), “The Most Famous Photograph of Poets Ever Taken,” features a 1948 photo published in Life Magazine. Although H.D. was not part of this group and indeed was convalescing in Switzerland at the time, the image features many members…
The new journal Feminist Modernist Studies has launched, with many congratulations to Cassandra Laity, founding editor. Please see the call for papers for the first issue, a double issue, through the link, and feel free to circulate widely. The deadline is April 15:–modernist-studies-launch-cfp
The H.D. International Society invites paper submissions for the proposed panel it is organizing, “Feminist/Queer Temporality,” for the Modernist Studies Association conference in Amsterdam, August 10-13, 2017. In keeping with MSA 19’s main theme, “Modernism Today,” and one of its subthemes, “Modernist Chronologies,” we seek…
The H.D. International Society invites paper submissions for a proposed panel, “The Pool Film Group and Beyond: Modernism’s Media,” at the Modernist Studies Association conference, November 17-20, 2016, in Pasadena, CA. We are especially interested in work that considers Bryher, H.D., and/or Kenneth Macpherson’s involvement…
We invite paper proposals for a panel the H.D. International Society is sponsoring at the American Literature Association conference, May 26-29, 2016, at the Hyatt Regency in San Francisco, CA. The call for paper proposals is open ended, although we are particularly interested in projects…
The Media History Digital Library and Lantern have compiled complete digital editions of Close Up magazine. Click here for a complete index. Source: Media History Digital Library – Digital Close Up (1927-1933) and the SCMS Anne Friedberg Innovative Scholarship Award
H.D. was awarded a posthumous honorary Doctor of Letters at the Lehigh University commencement ceremony on 18 May 2015. Beth Wolle McKay, H.D.’s relative and one of the first women students at Lehigh University, accepted the degree on H.D.’s behalf. Source: Honorary degree recipients named |…