CFP: Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture Feb. 22-24, 2018

The 46th Annual Louisville Conference on Literature & Culture since 1900

We invite paper proposals for a panel the H.D. International Society is organizing at the Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture since 1900, February 22-24, 2018. What we have said before about the conference remains true, that it is a 


very welcoming and invigorating conference that features research presentations and work by creative writers. It is hosted yearly by the University of Louisville in Louisville, KY and sustained by the organizing efforts of Alan Golding. For more information, please see the attached CFP from the conference organizers and note that the confirmed keynote speakers for 2018 are terrific, yet again:  M. NourbeSe Philip, Dominic Pettman, and Brent Hayes Edwards. For more information on the conference, visit

The call for papers for our panel is open: we are happy to consider work attending to any aspect of H.D. and/or her circle as we field a cohesive panel.  

Please send 250 word abstracts and a brief bio to Rebecca, by Wednesday, September 6. Feel fee to get in touch with any questions.

Best regards,

Rebecca Walsh, North Carolina State University,
Celena Kusch, University of South Carolina-Upstate,

Posted in CFP

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