The Ezra Pound Society is organizing the following panel as a guaranteed session at the Modern Language Assn. Convention, January 5-8, 2017, in Philadelphia, PA. Due to an electronic glitch this CFP does not appear on the MLA website, but it does appear on the Ezra Pound Society website.
CFP: “Pound, H.D. and Bryher”:
Examinations of H.D.’s and Bryher’s engagement/disengagement with Pound’s aesthetics, literary works, and political activities throughout their careers. 250-word abstract and a brief bio. by 28 March 2016 to Demetres Tryphonopoulos ( and Sara Dunton (
Please direct any preliminary questions to Sara Dunton. For more information about MLA 2017, here is the conference website:
Please contact Sara Dunton with any preliminary inquiries