CFP: Virginia Woolf and Her Contemporaries Conference, June 4-7, 2015


The 25th Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf, sponsored by Bloomsburg University, will take place in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, June 4-7, 2015. The topic, Virginia Woolf and Her Female Contemporaries, seeks to contextualize Virginia Woolf’s writing alongside the work of her contemporaries. This unprecedented number of women writers — experimentalists, middlebrow authors, journalists, poets, and editors — was simultaScreen Capture of the home page for Virginia Woolf and Her Contemporaries Conference contributing to, as well as complicating, modernist literature. In what ways did these burgeoning communities and enclaves of women writers intersect with (or coexist alongside) Virginia Woolf?

Conference organizers welcome proposals for papers, panels, roundtables, workshops, and visual art exhibits from literary and interdisciplinary scholars, creative and performing artists, common readers, undergraduates, students, and teachers at all levels. Submissions should relate to Virginia Woolf and Her Female Contemporaries and may emphasize either the development of enclaves or specific female subcultures or individual writers who were contemporaneous with Virginia Woolf. Deadline: Jan. 24, 2015

Note: To reach Bloomburg University of Pennsylvania, conference participants should fly to Newark, where a conference shuttle will bring participants to Bloomsburg, and affordable housing will be available in a newly renovated residence hall.



One Reply to “CFP: Virginia Woolf and Her Contemporaries Conference, June 4-7, 2015”

  1. H.D. figured prominently in the Woolf Conference this year:

    Plenary Dialogue: SUSAN MCCABE is the author of four books, including two
    critical studies—Elizabeth Bishop: Her Poetics of Loss (Penn State
    University Press, 1994) and Cinematic Modernism: Modern Poetry
    and Film (Cambridge University Press, 2005)—and two poetry
    volumes, Swirl (Red Hen Press, 2003) and Descartes’ Nightmare
    (winner of the Agha Shahid Ali prize and published by Utah
    University Press in 2008). Her current research, however, marks
    a transition from writing in the genres of scholarly criticism and
    poetry to biography. She’s working on her first full-length study,
    A Modernist Love Story: H.D. and Bryher. Susan McCabe is a
    professor of English at the University of Southern California,

    Plenary Dialogue: MADELYN DETLOFF is an associate professor of English
    and women’s, gender, and sexuality studies at Miami University.
    Her book, The Persistence of Modernism: Loss and Mourning in
    the 20th Century, examines the role of female metic modernists
    in forging non-lethal, resilient responses to loss, calamity, and
    trauma. She has published several essays on feminist studies,
    Woolf, H.D., queer theory, and cultural studies pedagogy in
    venues such as Hypatia, Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary
    Journal, ELN, Literature Compass, the MLA Approaches to Teaching
    series, MMLA, and Modernism/modernity. Detloff is a former
    vice president of the International Virginia Woolf Society
    and former co-chair of the H.D. International Society. She is
    currently completing a book on The Value of Woolf for Cambridge
    University Press and coediting a volume on Queer Bloomsbury.

    Launching Feminist Modernist Studies journal: CASSANDRA LAITY

    Poetry Reading: Cynthia Hogue

    Conference Papers:
    -“What We Talk About When We Talk About War: Virginia Woolf, H.D., and the Conundrum of Loss” Jean Mills, John Jay College
    -“H.D.’s Exploration of Female Sexuality through Poetry” Emma Slotterback, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
    -“H.D.’s and Virginia Woolf’s Encounters with Freud” Ahmed Ben Amara, University of Sfax
    -“H.D.’s and Bowen’s Floral Images” Dominic Ferraro, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
    -“My Big Fat Greek Patriarchy: H.D.’s Feminist Revision of Greek Mythology” Ariana Jones, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
    -“The Radical Ethics of Writing as Marine Practice: H.D. and Virginia Woolf ” Patrizia A. Muscogiuri, independent scholar
    -“Rewriting ‘The Little Coloured Ball of Earth Entirely’: Language, Ecology, and the Cinema in Woolf and H.D.” Kim Sigouin, Carleton University

    Congratulations to all!

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